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Top contributors

  • Chad T. , Antonio S. , Július L.  - for being our Community power users. Each of you contributed to the Community last month with more than 50 answers & comments. Thank you for building a great knowledge base about Dynatrace and lending a helping hand to other Community members!

  • Roberto I.  - for submitting the most voted product idea of the last month: Exclude disabled/manual services from Windows Services Monitoring 

  • Reinhard W.  - for your outstanding activity and responsiveness in the forums, and also for sharing such a historically interesting story about the first computer bug in the Take the "Funny Bug" challenge! 



Biweekly challenges

  • Till the 18th of November participate in Davis Insights challenge!
    Let's share the stories of how Dynatrace Davis changed the work you do.

  • Take a look at our previous Funny Bug challenge and have a bit of fun.

Members of the month

Read two inspiring interviews with the most helpful Dynatrace Community members from the previous month:

  • Employee Member of the month: Joe Hoffman
    “I contribute to the community because I like helping people. It’s very rewarding to provide someone a few ideas that get them to the next step towards their goals."
  • Community member of the month: Reinhard Weber
    “The high potential in automating the whole Dynatrace platform is one of my favorite aspects.”

In case you missed it, here are a few of our favorite blog posts last month:

Upcoming webinars