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Sample OneAgent plugin for Windows Performance counters


Hi, I have been working on a OneAgent Plugin to capture some windows performance counters I would like to have visualized in the HOST details.

Based on the documentation and procedures I found here: I created 2 plugins that build ok, and seem to run ok inside my agent, but I can't find the visualisation inside dynatrace. (see attached zips files)(one is using the "perfmon" type, and one is using the "python" type)

Is a skeleton or sample custom plugin available that shows how to expose some windows performance counters? Or can anyone share his custom plugin that exposes some windows performance counters in the dynatrace gui?


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Hello @Luc C.,

I took a quick look at your plugins and there are couple of things that need to be mentioned:

  1. currently perfmon plugins does not support metrics without instance (as included in you plugin Memory\Pages Input/sec). You can add any metrics where instance object is a process - Process()\Handle Count could be an good example.

2. with python plugins there are no obstacles like that - so it's a way to go for you. However you need to fix two issues before:

  • you have specified PagesInputPerSec metric with dimension rx_pid while in python script only key and value is provided. I suggest you remove dimension from metric definition. Nevertheless you should get error on Custom Plugin screen informing you about such inconsistency.

  • at the moment presenting plugin metrics is not supported at the host level (it's going to be implemented soon). You can easily omit this limitation by changing entity to PROCESS_GROUP_INSTANCE (then metrics will be shown on Windows System process group in your case).

I hope that this will help.

Hi Luc. Where you able to finalize the Performance Counter Plugin?

Can it be found anywhere, eg. on GitHub?


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