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Ionic hybrid mobile app


We have integrated agentless monitoring in our ionic hybrid mobile app. We able to track all the details except 'services'. Is there any way to track 3rd party API responses in mobile app? Is there any way track API's at code level?


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hello Asi,

the services section only gets populated if you actually have the OneAgent running in your backend services.

Best regards,


Hi guys,

In our case we have OAs on the server side but still don't see services from the web application.

We know that agentless application will not connect UAs to services what so ever.

Question here is why the Cordova plugin utilize an agentless web application JS and not "regular" web application one?

Can we replace the JS agent with one from "regular" application without injection to any page of course? will that work and connect the UA to services ?

Thanks for your insight and answer in advance 




dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

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