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When would the Watchdoguserconfig.conf apearred?

When would this file appear? Is it:

a) Immediately after OneAgent installation?

b) After any application service restart?

c) Application service restart is not needed. Just that OneAgent service has to be restarted for the files to appear (Just like how the AppMon Collector sometimes need to restart itself again after installation in order for config.xml to appear.)

Whichever way it is, I need to confirm that it is available before client restart their service, otherwise the existence of 'watchdoguserconfig.conf' already defeat the purpose.



Hey Wai,

This file appears immediately after the OneAgent installation in /var/lib/dynatrace/oneagent/agent/config directory for Linux and I believe it is the same for Windows (but in C:\ProgramData\dynatrace\oneagent\agent\config)



That is correct.

What should be added is that the file is also preserved during updates, so it will only be created by the installer if it does not already exist.

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