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Is there a way to see the activities that the Real User Monitoring Agent detects via the OneAgent logs?


An application development needs to add code to capture user activity for Dynatrace monitoring by levering the Dynatrace API. It can take several minutes for the activity before seeing it in the saas user sessions, so he was hoping to be able to determine what actions were detected by the OneAgent logs. We can see the beacons going out to Dynatrace, but we don't know what specific action the beacon is reporting.



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

This is unfortunately not possible as the Dyntrace RUM API may not touch the agent. A lot of processing such as user action naming is also performed at the cluster itself and looking at the beacon does not make much sense.
The best approach I know about is probably to perform a test and close the session in the browser console by calling dtrum.endSession(). This will finish the session processing in just few minutes.

I don't know how much code you need to add, but if they are really necessary, they are typically not that difficult. Many JS customizations that seem to be necessary at first sight can be accomplished just by proper application settings in Dynatrace. Also in some browsers (such as Chrome), you can edit the code JavaScript code directly and you don't have to redeploy the application. Or you can use a browser plugin to modify page contents (JS files) or fetch them from another site where it is easy to edit them.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Thank you for the response. The solution we are monitoring is using Angular with asynchronous routing ( The RUM Agent is missing some of the user activities, and after working with Dynatrace support and development they said we needed to manually wrap the actions.

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