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Client Side Report with total samples


Hi All,

We are doing a load test with Jmeter tool and monitoring the requests in Dynatrace with the help of "Http Header Manager" (Request Attribute). Now I am looking for a similar report like attached image, can one please provide the suggestions or alternative way.


Thanks, Mahesh


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

You have to go to services that are receiving requests from jMeter (it may be apache, nginx or whatever you've got on frontend side). In this services you can create multidimensional analysis. There you have option to extract data from request attributes and correlate them with requests and other metrics (failure rate, response times etc).

When you will adding metrics to chart, first pick request attribute of your choice. Then click on those metric and you will see options to pick dimensions you want to see on chart. Play with this 🙂

We have also solution that is able to send live metrics from jMeter to Dynatrace. This gives you ability to compare results from DT and jMeter live. It's very useful when you are using multiple scripts in the same time.


Regards, Sebastian


Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for your response, I have tried the way you explained but it's not fulfilled my requirement. I am able to capture the graph only for 1 metric at time (attaching the screenshot). Can you please explain second option "send live metrics from jMeter to Dynatrace" & how to export these values to csv or pdf.


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