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It appears that Apdex Calculation takes into account the amount of load, can someone confirmed?

There is an application where apdex is unknown if I look at 'past 24 hours', but shows fine when I look at 'past 7 days'.


If Apdex calculation depends on amount of load as well, can this be documented in the documentation?

If Apdex calculation doesn't depends on amount of load, then what could be happening to that application I'm monitoring?


Best Regards,

Wai Keat



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I didn't find any doc about it, but as I see ST needs some minimal value of throughput for such calculations. It is related to other things as well. If throughput is to low, request tile on dashboard will not show data, there will be N/A. I'm curious as well what in details is needed here.


Regards, Sebastian

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