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PostgreSQL - how to divide in different process groups


I'm currently trying to split several processes PostgreSQL that falls under a unique Process-Group in different Process Groups.

In order to do so, as I did before for processes like jboss/weblogic ecc... I'm looking into the following menù:

Setting > Process and containers > Process group detection > Process group detection rules


I cannot find any process property that includes PostgreSQL.
My guess is that this is intended but is there any work-around to achive this goal?

Thank you


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

You can gry configuring environment variables on each host nas split PG based on this. If you have multiple hosts that serves PG you can as well define host group for them:

Procesem working on different hostgroups will split automatically


Regards, Sebastian

This can be the way to go and I totally missed it.
Going to study to see if this fit my managed situation, thank you for your time!

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