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Magento: php-cli process not being monitored



I'm running Magento using LAMP stack. DT detects a process "PHP-CLI" but gives an error that "Dynatrace OneAgent has no access to this process. Restart the process with PID(s) 24384, 24378, 24380, and 24382 to start its monitoring"

When I killed the above process, they restarted automatically as the cron job (using the process) is scheduled. Still then I'm getting the same error. I restarted apache, still no luck.

Anything I can do make it work?

The meta data for the process is as below:

Command line args: /usr/bin/php7.2 /var/www/html/bin/magento queue:consumers:start --single-thread --max-messages=10000

EXE name: php*

EXE path: /usr/bin/php*

Main technology: PHP

PHP script: /var/www/html/bin/magento

PHP working directory: /home/magento


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Do you have selinux or something like that co figured? If prices is sandboxed and started via cron it may be inaccessible by Agent.

I suggest downloading support archive from this agent and check logs. There may be more information about issue you have here. If there will not be any clue I suggest support ticket. Guy from dynatrace can enable some debug flags and collect more data 🙂


Regards, Sebastian


No, SELinux is not configured. The cron job basically runs to check price rules, reindexing, alerts, emails etc. I downloaded the process support archive (attached) but not able to interpret much.

PHP-CLI process support archive

monitoring_state.json file reads as below:


"state": {

"injectionFailed": false,

"outdatedAgent": false,

"processAvailable": true,

"noInjectionAvailable": false,

"missingAgents": [



"processGroupConfigState": {

"state": "CONFIG_ACTIVE",

"isBadVersion": false


"extendedInjectionSupportState": {

"injectionSupportState": "SUPPORTED"


"infrastructureOnly": false,

"agentReportedState": {

"injectionFailed": false,

"agentInjectionInformation": {

"actualAgentInjectionInformation": {

"configRevision": 1585429818098,

"processAgentInjectionInformation": {

"agentPresent": true,

"agentVersion": "",

"mmapPresent": true


"specialAgentInjectionInformation": {

"injectionDecisions": {

"PHP": {

"agentType": "PHP",


"injectionDecisionId": 10,




"injectableTechnologies": {

"PHP_CLI": {

"type": "PHP_CLI",

"version": "7.2.29"



"missingMonitoringReasons": {}




"agentInjectionInformationPerPid": {

"infoPerPid": {}


"fallbackConfigState": {

"state": "CONFIG_ACTIVE",

"isBadVersion": false


"aixKernelExtensionsSupport": false


"isBlacklisted": false,

"isManuallyInjected": false,

"hasRestartableParentProcess": false,

"osType": "OS_TYPE_LINUX",

"lastSeenDiffMs": 216976,

"agentReportedPotentiallyInjected": false


"extendedProcessGroupConfigState": {

"state": "CONFIG_ACTIVE",

"isBadVersion": false


"agentTechnologyTypes": [



"agentAvailable": true,

"areAllAgentsInjected": false,

"isRestartRequired": true,

"pgInjectionRuleCheck": {

"input": {

"PG_ID_CALC_INPUT_KEY_PHP_CLI_SCRIPT_PATH": "/var/www/html/bin/magento",


"PG_ID_CALC_INPUT_KEY_EXE_PATH": "/usr/bin/php*",


"PG_ID_CALC_INPUT_KEY_COMMAND_LINE_ARGS": "/usr/bin/php7.2 /var/www/html/bin/magento queue:consumers:start --single-thread --max-messages\u003d10000"


"result": "noMatch"


"osAgentInjections": {







































"hostInjections": {},

"hostExperimentalInjections": {},

"mergedInjections": {









































I am kind of having a similar issue with PHP-CLI Laravel console process i.e. 
/usr/local/bin/php /var/www/artisan queue:work redis 

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

@javed_gardezi  Monitoring of php-cli has to be explicitly enabled.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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