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Does Davis factor vMotions/Migrations in root cause analysis?

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I've had some cases where I have been able to correlate long response times & interruption of requests, starting from Migrations detected at the VMware level. I start in VMware, move up the host & services, and when migrations take a long time, they result in interruption of requests and long response times. Problems are detected, but there is no indication in root cause about Migrations occurring. Is this normal?

Antonio Sousa

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I have seen it where Davis factors all vmotion changes and will include them in the problem analysis and root cause. You might need to drill into the events on the root cause to see that tho.


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Yes Davis collects and shows those VMWare events, but they have to happen around 15min upfront a detected problem. So its most likely a timeframe kind of issue you don't get them.

Best greetings,


I'll have to check closer given the timeframe issue.

In fact, a lot of vMotions are happening, but I have managed to figure out their impact on UX only by the procedure I detailed above, and in some cases, especially in vMotions of guest systems with high values of RAM.

Is there some way I can figure out a list of Problems why it might be occurring? I'm thinking of going the API route, but would like your opinion before jumping into it...


Antonio Sousa

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