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Custom alerting - Less than 1 log line every minute


I am currently looking into adding a custom alert using a log metric. My log metric includes all the logs generated on a specific log file which serves as a "heartbeat" file for monitoring the execution of a service.


However, I have encounter a challenge when defining my custom alert. My logs are more than 1 minute apart. Since Dynatrace works with 5 minute windows with a specified threshold which is measured every 1 minute slot for that specific window, I have not been able to find a way to have a working custom alert for my case without any false positives:

  • If I define my threshold as 1, use any number of 1 time slots available and account to alert if data is missing, I will receive false positives due to the lack of data.
  • If in turn I do not configure it to alert on missing data and set the threshold to 1as well, I will not receive any alerts when the logs stop being written on the file.

After a conversation with support, I was directed to the Dynatrace Community. Any alternative approach to this issue?


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

interesting situation, @Mcramos1994 were you able to formulate a solution that worked for your organization? if so can you please share it? 


Community Team
Community Team

@Mcramos1994 have you already found a solution? If yes, feel free to share. Other Community members would be happy to know the answer.

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