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BMCRemedy Integration

Frequent Guest

I'm trying to do a custom integration between Dynatrace and BMCRemedy, however when doing the test it returns the test failure error and the reason Unknown host.

Any suggestion?




DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @adoiar01 

I would try to check with IP first , but your question is a bit more complicated to answer with just "test it with IP".

The issue here is how dynatrace will try to rich out your Remedy service and if you are using SaaS or Managed? 

In SaaS, one of your AG will need to get access to Remedy and may be you will need to add the Remedy host to the Exclude hosts from proxy communication list.

In Managed the cluster nodes are also trying to reach webhooks and may be you will need to exclude Remedy host from using the proxy as explained in this thread.

HTH and if not the shortest way IMO will be to open a support ticket 

All the best and stay safe



dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

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