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Get traces from K3s cluster using the Dynatrace operator


I have installed Dynatrace operator in my K3s cluster. I can see metrics in Dynatrace but i can't see any traces. I have so many services running in my K3s cluster but I can't see any service under Service section of Dynatrace. Please share any link to get metrics, logs and traces of K3s cluster, workloads, host metrics, logs, traces.


DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hi @chandra-zs,

What do you see at your process? Do you have any message on the process view?

Step1 click on your process:


Step2 check the possible message at the process:


I hope it helps.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Hi @Mizső 

I can't see any containers and process under my pod in kubernetes cluster.

Hi @Mizső 

But in hosts under process section i can see message like Activation of deep monitoring was unsuccessful. Cloud pls help me how to resolve this.

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hi @chandra-zs,

What can be found above the Kubernetes-services? Nothing?

Could you please click-on the test app service and you should find a related services section. In this section you can chose a service and then you can analyize the distributed traces:

Step1: click on the Kubernetes service:


Step2: Click on one related service.


Step3: You can reach the distributed traces.


Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Hi @Mizső,

I can't see any related services under service. Below i am attaching screenshot. In hosts section under process it showing Activation of deep monitoring was unsuccessful. TIA

Hi @Mizső 

I can see different messages under system performance for different languages.

Hi @chandra-zs 

Your node.js version is not supported however it is a LTS vesrion.

Here is the supported node.js versions:

Node.js | Dynatrace Docs

Regarding GO you can follow the link in the message and enable the Go static injection.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Hi @Mizső 

I have installed supported nodejs but i can't see any traces. When coming to Go application i tried to enable go static monitoring in the settings but it is saying oneagent 1.23+ version is required. My oneagent version is 1.26+. TIA

Hello @Mizső 

I have installed dynatrace in classic full stack mode using crd's. The oneagent will apply auto instrumentation right. Why i am not able to see any traces under distributed traces. Please doc or steps to get traces, metrics, logs from the host and k8s cluster workloads.  TIA

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hi @chandra-zs,

I suggest to open a support case and share more information with the support team.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional


I have installed dynatrace operator in my k8s cluster. I can see metrics, logs but i can't see any traces in dynatrace. As per documentation dynatrace operator will install oneagent and oneagent will apply auto instrumentation to collect traces. But why i am not able see any traces. Cloud some one help me.

Hi @chandra-zs, were you able to solve the issue in the meantime? The Community would really appreciate if you shared the solution / what you have tried / what you've heard back from the Support 🙂 Thanks!

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