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Log Ingestion From a Database Table


I have been researching this for a while and I wanted to ask if anyone is doing something similar. My organization has a couple of applications that store logs in a MSSQL database table and we would like to ingest them into Dynatrace as log data. I have been looking at several of the database extensions and they all seem to focus on metric data instead of log data but I noticed that the "Custom database extension" says "allows you to run queries against database and send the results back to Dynatrace as metrics and logs".

I went ahead and setup VS code with the Dynatrace extension and was able to build a basic extension but I'm struggling to find documentation for all the commands and all the examples are for metric ingestion, not logs. I have the configuration monitoring file with the database configuration and I found a command for extension.yaml called "sqlServer" but I can't figure out the syntax.

Is it possible to use Dynatrace to ingest a database table so that it shows up in 'Logs and Events'? Does anyone have any code examples of using an extension to ingest a database table as logs? We're using Dynatrace SAAS with agents updated to the latest version and logs by grail enabled.



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


Yes, extensions are more oriented for ingesting metrics. But no issue with injecting logs, as we are doing it for Oracle, MSSQL & DB2.

Trick is to inject it through Log API. Also, inject it through the local ActiveGate API, so it's more efficient. At the moment, all of our integrations are through EF1, but this will be unsupported after Oct 2024. But, if you have to do it now, you have to go through EF1, as EF2 will be only effective after next Perform.

Antonio Sousa

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru


This is possible now already using the method you just tried. There's no need to wait for Perform or coded extensions in the new framework.

Here's a working example of how to do it with MSSQL:


      - subgroup: longest_queries
          minutes: 5
        featureSet: Queries
        ingest: log
        query: >
          SELECT TOP (100)
                CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName')),
            )                                     AS instance_name,
              CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName')),
                  CHARINDEX('\', CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))) -1,
                LEN(CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName')))
            )                                     AS server_name,
            p.query_id                            AS query_id,
            p.query_plan                          AS query_plan,
            q.object_id                           AS object_id,
            ISNULL(OBJECT_NAME(q.object_id), '')  AS object_name,
            qt.query_sql_text                     AS query_sql_text,
                SUM(rs.avg_duration * rs.count_executions)
              ) * 0.001,
            )                                     AS total_duration,
              ) * 0.001,
            )                                     AS avg_duration,
            SUM(rs.count_executions)              AS num_executions,
            COUNT(distinct p.plan_id)             AS num_query_plans
            sys.query_store_runtime_stats rs
            JOIN sys.query_store_plan p
              ON p.plan_id = rs.plan_id
            JOIN sys.query_store_query q
              ON q.query_id = p.query_id
            JOIN sys.query_store_query_text qt
              ON q.query_text_id = qt.query_text_id
            rs.first_execution_time <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
            AND rs.last_execution_time >= DATEADD(minute, -5, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
          GROUP BY
            COUNT(distinct p.plan_id) >= 1
          ORDER BY
            total_duration DESC
          - key: extension
            value: const:sql_mssql
          - key:
            value: const:longest_queries
          - key: instance
            value: col:instance_name
          - key: server
            value: col:server_name
          - key: content
            value: col:query_sql_text
          - key: query_id
            value: col:query_id
          - key: query_plan
            value: col:query_plan
          - key: object_id
            value: col:object_id
          - key: object_name
            value: col:object_name
          - key: total_duration
            value: col:total_duration
          - key: avg_duration
            value: col:avg_duration
          - key: num_executions
            value: col:num_executions
          - key: num_query_plans
            value: col:num_query_plans


This example is from our MSSQL extension which currently is on the hub. You can download the full extension yourself if you go here: 




Thanks for the info folks! I managed to get the extension deployed and the Monitoring configuration status is "OK" but I don't see any database logs. Does anyone have an ideas why the logs aren't showing up in Logs and Events?


Here's my proof of concept configuration in extension.yaml:


  - group: test
    query: SELECT * FROM database_name.dbo.ELMAH_Error
      - key: content
        value: col:Message
      - key: time
        value: col:TimeUtc
    ingest: log

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

There can be a few issues. If you look inside the extension log files on the ActiveGate you might get a clue. You can also open a support case. 


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

@EPrice First I would recommend naming the columns, so in your case:

  - group: test
    query: SELECT Message, TimeUtc FROM database_name.dbo.ELMAH_Error
      - key: content
        value: col:Message
      - key: time
        value: col:TimeUtc
    ingest: log


Check both the extension status and log files for the extensions on the ActiveGate.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

 "I've tried to find information on how to configure the Yaml, but I haven't found it. Could you assist me with this? I'm stuck at this point, and this is what I've got so far:"

name: custom:corona.extension
version: "0.0.1"
minDynatraceVersion: "1.282.0"
  name: cjch1979

  - group: ownmetrics
    ingest: metrics
"I haven't found a step-by-step guide that explains each field thoroughly. Thank you."

Hey @carlos_carreno ,

see a more comprehensive example below. In this case, the extension will perform the query every 5 minutes (interval setting - optional) if featureset userlog is enabled (that will be a configuration option in the extension so you can enable/disable this query by extension configuration - again optional).
Then your extension will execute the query and the output will be ingested as log (ingest: log). Then you can automatically create log attributes. You just need to fill the content attribute at least - that's the log message. 


name: custom:corona.extension
version: "0.0.1"
minDynatraceVersion: "1.282.0"
  name: cjch1979

  - group: ownmetrics
      minutes: 5
    ingest: log
    featureSet: userlog
    query: >
      select count(*) as count, user as user, concat('User ',user,' has ',count(*),' logins') as content from users group by user
      - key: users
        value: col:user
      - key: count
        value: col:count
      - key: content
        value: col:content


Every row from the query will be ingested as a separate log entry. 

Hope this helps.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Another thing to be careful about is the agent version. If you use the latest version in Julius' example then it won't work because the actual latest version is one version behind.


I'm still working out how to best accomplish this but one of the challenges we identified is that logs ingested by this method do no show up under "log.source" which means you have to query the events directly in advanced mode. I ended up defining a custom column so we can filter based on that field.



Thanks for everyone's help, I was able to speak with Mike and Stefan who were very supportive. Here's what I've found so far as a minimum configuration in extension.xml. This is a working solution that has been deployed and validated.

name: custom:application.ingestion
version: 0.0.5
minDynatraceVersion: "1.279.0"
  name: Disco Stu

  - group: instance
      minutes: 10
    ingest: log
    query: SELECT 'APPLICATION_NAME' AS query, ErrorID, ErrorDescription, ErrorFunction, DateCreated FROM dbo.tblErrorLog WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE DateCreated >= DATEADD(minute, -15, GETDATE())
      - key: query
        value: col:query
      - key: ErrorID
        value: col:ErrorID
      - key: content
        value: col:ErrorDescription
      - key: Type
        value: col:ErrorFunction
      - key: Time
        value: col:DateCreated


This works with some caveats:

  • The default query duration is 20 seconds and it won't generate an error in and no logs are captured if it exceeds that time. There's command to extend the query length but I think it's best practice to make sure your query is short and efficient.
  • You can't import time data as 'timestamp', even if it's in the exact same format. You have to create a separate column for time. If you try to use the timestamp field, it doesn't generate an error in and no logs are captured.
  • Logs ingested with this method don't have a log.source value so you have to search for events in Advanced mode. 
  • I added "'APPLICATION_NAME' AS query" to make it possible to locate the data in Logs & Events. With this, you can query the data like so:
fetch logs
| filter contains(query, "APPLICATION_NAME")
| fields Time, content, Type, ErrorID
| sort ErrorID desc


Presently we're facing an issue with duplicate events being captured as the query captures the past 15 minutes of logs and runs every 10 minutes. I think we will lose some log entries if we set both of these values to the same interval. We can set the query to only capture distinct entries but it won't make a difference since the extension just runs the entire query on interval.

Is there a way to prevent the ingestion of duplicate rows? I'm hoping there's something that can be added to extension.yaml  because there's a cost associated with ingestion. Alternately, is there a way to structure a DQL query to filter out duplicates?


It looks like you can populate log.source by using it as a key in extension.yaml. I'm continuing to test.

      - keylog.source

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