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Citrix VDA machines lingers on in Dynatrace when images are republished.


Hello all,

we have some CITRIX machines monitored. They are rebuilded/republished on a daily basis. However whenever this happens new images pops up and the old ones lingers on which generates unmonitored alerts.

Is there a way to address this behavior or is it expected to happen for CITRIX images that are republished?

Please advise.


Thank you, Alex


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

This follows the same principal for PaaS instance where they Spin up and down as needed. Justbecause it spun down doesn't mean we need to be alerted since this is the normal function of the technology. Dynatrace says the best way to solve this is to pass an event or even tag that marks the host as a 'Termination, Spindown, unmonitored candidate (whatever you want to call it)' then the alerting profile would negate the availability alert for those entities in which the metadata and/or tag is present on for "Spindown" 

There is a great blog on this and how to set it up. you can find it here: 


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