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Dynatrace DB monitoring


Hi All,


We are looking at Dynatrace database monitoring, we need to understand if Dynatrace provides the license for DB monitoring alone without APM license and we are looking at multitenant DB monitoring for different types like SQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Couch DB, Oracle etc.


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey nvnbs,

I would suggest reaching out to sales or support so they can go through your exact situation and find a solution that best fits what you are looking to achieve as well as properly advising on license consumption.

Otherwise there is some documentation on this.

Monitoring the host and the DB process would consume Host Units but then getting deeper insights and more metrics would require the use of extensions which would use Davis Data Units. If you use a OneAgent extension then there should be an included custom metric quota otherwise if you use ActiveGate extensions then you would be using Davis Data Units directly.

This documentation details DDUs and the included quota per host.

This documentation details a few of the DB monitoring extensions and their custom metric usage.

This documentation gives you a bit more of an insight of how Dynatrace monitors databases.



Hi nvnbs-san.


I recently tested Oracle DB monitoring.
I think you can achieve monitoring with Oracle DB insight.

  • This feature is currently an Early Adopter.
  • License-free in the early adopter state.
  • After the official release, the DDU license will be applied.
  • Activegate is required to use this function.

T.Shirai IIM Corp. Osaka Japan

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