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New UI and Grail, are they intertwined?


We've recently initiated the Grail migration, set to be fully completed tomorrow.

In regards to the migration/upgrade, I anticipate that LOGS will transition from the classic version to the new Grail version. However, I'm seeking advice on whether the Grail update impacts the UI updates in any way. Are they connected?

Currently, we've identified a few bugs in the new UI, and as a precaution, we've held off on the migration for our 500 users. But I'm curious if the platform's functionality remains unaffected even without adopting the new UI.

The new UI introduces features like apps, notebooks, and new dashboards, although they're currently empty and there is NO MIGRATION. My assumption is that overall functionality will remain unchanged.

Responses from those already on Grail would be greatly appreciated.


DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

New UI needs Grail.  We don't have new UI as we are not on Grail yet.

Dynatrace Certified Professional

Appreciate the new UI and new features need Grail, but until we can populate and develop some notebooks and new hand-craft dashboards, there is little point. Its a blank canvas. Logs will exist in both old and new ui. 



If you want to look at it some, DT has a playground to use:


This was introduced in below.

What's New in Dynatrace - August 2023 (v271, v272)

Dynatrace Certified Professional
In this episode, Berkan Akbulut and Andreas Grabner cover the following #Dynatrace releases: Release Notes 1.271: Release Notes 1.272: In the talk, we referenced many resources. To get the slide deck with all links, please navigate to ...


Thanks will take a look. I think my team looked at it before, but the notebooks and dashboards were empty so didnt really get much in terms of inspiration. In the video there was a mention of sharing the demo queries etc....say need to wait! Thanks.

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