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Waterfall Analysis - High request time on CSS



Hi, the request has a high processing time which is mostly contributed by the long request on the main.css.

I ain't quite sure as the transfer size is quite low but the request time is relatively high.

I also noticed the cache rate is 0%, that might be the answer.

I am curious about how the cache rate affected the request time since the size is low and also about the solution to solve the cache rate.





DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion


The "Request" stage is actually the time it takes from when the request leaves the browser until the first byte of its response has been received. It has nothing to do with it's size. As I see you don't have a trace to drill into, all I can say is that it is not related to its size. Should you be able to add OneAgent on the server hosting the css, you could find out whether its actually on the server side or somewhere on the way (firewall? load balancer?).

With that regards - I highly recommend watching one of the latest webinars that Andi Grabner did about Digital performance. This could be found at and includes a great explanation on the waterfall analysis.

What does it mean to optimize "Above the fold?" What role are Core Web Vitals playing? What are critical W3C Metrics to look at? What are the contributors to page load time? How to interpret waterfall charts? To understand the 101 of Digital and Web Performance, I have invited David Jones (aka ...

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