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Will the OneAgent disk space requirements continue to grow rapidly?


This question is mostly focused on Linux, where we have a few thousand VMs with Dynatrace installed.  We have fairly restricted disk space requirements internally, so we originally deployed with enough storage for the agent+upgrade with a little bit of wiggle room.  

However, over the last 1-2 years, the required space for the OneAgent has increased significantly.

January 2022 - 1437 MiB required
October 2022 - 1590 MiB required
January 2023 - 1603 MiB required
April 2023 - 1658 MiB required

These size increases hit twice when you need to do an upgrade (first for the install footprint and second for the larger installer).  We are now having to come back and increase storage on dozens of servers each upgrade or more as we run out of space.  To try and plan for a way around this, we're looking at changing the install location and other options but need to know if OneAgent size is expected to keep growing at this pace.


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I recommend checking out on the drive space requirements. ultimately is better to have more wiggle room rather than less.


That page, as well, has changed a lot over time and continues to show larger sizes needed.  It won't really help us plan.

Consider also that OneAgent itself has changed in that time. It now offers many more options than it used to. As Chad wrote, it's a good idea to have an allocated disk space configured according to the documentation and have some space. You will then avoid operational tasks in case of updates etc.

Have a nice day!

Yes, I fully understand the agent has changed.  Will it change more?  Do I add 2 GB more to 10K servers?  This is not a small change on our side and we need actual data from Dynatrace, but they don't seem to want to respond. 

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