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Is there an extended network agent in Dynatrace for tracking connection information?


Is there an extended network agent in Dynatrace for tracking connection information?

It would be nice to get "netstat" like information. To be clear, I am not asking for network trace functionality.

Any help would be appreciated.



Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

Can you expand a bit on the use case? Would it be something like number of ports in listening mode?


I guess what you would see in a netstat -an where you can see incoming connections listering as well as connections and number of connections ESTABLISHED, TIME_WAIT, CLOSE_WAIT to individual external hosts.

Thanks for the details. We currently do not have something like that. It shouldn't be too hard to either write a OneAgent extension, or write a script that pipes it into the OneAgent metric ingest on a regular schedule.

If you don't have the resources yourself you can also contact a Dynatrace partner or the Dynatrace services team to help you out.


Thank you. I have written custom metrics, so I will go that route.

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