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Custom log source not working


I have added a custom log source for one host where I am testing some script which makes a log file. The file is present on a server however in Dynatrace view of the host it says "File is not included in log monitoring". 

Why is it not included when I have defined this as a custom log source?

I have tried making this again in settings / log monitoring / Custom log source configuration but there is no change. I don't see this log source in Observe and explore / logs and if I click on it in the host page down it says No data that matches your query.


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I recommend taking a look at the following documentation as it relates to a custom log source just to ensure you have it defined inline with the documentation: 


That's where I have looked and that's how I have done it according "To configure custom log sources at the host level", so not sure what's missing or where is the problem. 




OK so I figured that Log storage configuration must be enabled. I thought this is not related, but when I have put there a source based rule to include this file to be stored in Dynatrace suddenly it stopped saying File is not included in log monitoring, I can click on it from host view and I see the content.

Thanks for coming back with the solution, @McVitas! If anyone else is facing the same issue, they'd know what to look for. Highly appreciated! 😊

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