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Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Self Service Summary


When troubleshooting intermittent HTTP Monitor failures it can be helpful to know which ActiveGate, within a location, the execution ran on


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Don't know which ActiveGate an execution ran on Check in WebUI Check in WebUI Ask chat/ support


How to find the ActiveGate a HTTP Monitor execution ran on

Note: these steps are only for Private Locations, not Cluster or Public locations

  1. Open the HTTP Monitor details page 
  2. Click on 'Analyze execution details'
  3. Select the execution you are interested in, make sure you select the location if there is more than one in the list.


  4. Take a note of the engineId


  5. The engineId is shown in decimal format here but we use hex in the ActiveGates page, so you need to convert it. You can use the conversion on your calculator or an app online for this.
    In this case 1532483830 is 5B57D8F6 in hex. 
  6. Open the Deployment Status> ActiveGates page
  7. Filter by ID and enter the hex id. The ID has a 0x in front, so will be 0x5B57D8F6 for this one. 


    For Cluster and Public locations, please ask on chat. 
Version history
Last update:
‎14 Mar 2024 11:04 AM
Updated by:
DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

@HannahM Thanks a lot, this is very much informative.



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Thanks for sharing. 


Alex Romanenkov

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Thanks Hannah